Friday, May 6, 2011

Illusion of Motion by Multiple Image

When we see one figure in an overlapping sequence of poses it suggest movement. The slightest change in position suggest movement. This picture suggests motion by multiple image. The persons arms are pictured all across the arc, giving the impression there is movement.

Illusion of Motion by Blurred Outline

This shows the movement of an object, but it isnt entirely clear because it is moving so fast giving it a blurred outline. This image shows movement of the birds wings moving rapidly. You can tell because they are blurred!

Illusion of Motion by Repeated Figure

This basically means that an image is showing movement by using more than one object! This image is showing the illusion of motion by using more than one figure across the painting. The image of the girl is placed across to show movement!

Anticipated Motion

The feeling that can be created by implied lines or gestures is known as anticipated motion. This image shows anticipated motion because the girl is jumping in the air and you can tell shes moving because of the lines of the water trail behind her and the lines of her body.

Spatial Puzzles

Artists use various devices to give illusions of depth or space in their art to create spatial puzzles. This picture is a good example because the artist creates an illusion making it appear that the stairs never end.

Multiple Perspective

This means looking at a figure/object from more than one vantange point at the same time. This picture portrays multiple perspective. You are looking at the desk from both sides, underneath, and above all at the same. 

Amplified Perspective

This gives the view a special perspective, the object is directly pointed towards the viewer. Like this picture of a building. The viewers perspective is greatly "amplified" because of the position. This makes the picture appear more dramatic.